When Bird Control Is The Beard’s Job
So, new farm adventure. The birds are coming down the chimney. Last week, it was a Raven and it made a sweeping tour of the house before the dotter and the Beard managed to herd it out of the house. Yesterday, I was sure I saw movement in the stove but when I opened the door to check . . . nothing. While I was in town picking up the truck, Idra the Hellbitch was watching the stove door like television and the dotter opened the door . . . nothing. This morning, the cat was again hovering on the hearth and I opened the door to see, sadly, a…
I’m This Many Years Old
So, Saturday was a wash (pun intended) from the time I overslept to the discovery of the grotesque death of the washing machine. It’s one adventure after another here on the farm. I finally broke down and purchased a new MacBook after my notebook crashed one more time, but I swear I’m more excited and beaming about the installation of our ten-year-old washer and dryer. Yes, the washer leaks, which is why we didn’t leave them at the old house. But goddamn, the joy I feel every time I walk into the house and see them. The satisfaction of a quiet wash cycle versus the cachunka cachunka pounding of the…
First Dose Down. Can’t Wait for Number TWO!
This is generally how I felt in the later COVID days when I managed to get to my feet. I’ve had ups and downs as a long-hauler, especially with my memory, fatigue, and joint pain. Post first dose, this is my current situation cubed. Going to move through my to-dos slowly today with a nap or two thrown in. But I don’t feel terrible so counting down the days to my second dose! Thanks for your patience, support, and flexibility (hahahaha) when I need to postpone a class to take care of myself. #graceandkindnessbitches #babysteps #honoryourbody #allofthebenefitsnoneofthebullshit
The Struggle Is Real
Most of us haven’t been more than inconvenienced by the pandemic and quarantine. After I mostly recovered from the COVID, I didn’t have any problems being told to stay home. I was able to move my yoga company online. We released The F*cking Yoga BooK: Yoga for The Rest of Us with only a couple of glitches. The Beard and I managed not to purchase a single roll of toilet paper for the initial shutdown length. Sure, despite cutting my rates to pennies a class, a large portion of my face-to-face clients aren’t subscribing to my Patreon channel. (I miss you!) It’s not easy carving out time and space to…
Snowpocalypse Xyla Took Her Toll
originally posted March 16, 2021 Quick update: The Beard and SIL were seriously trash-talking poor Xyla on Friday. Turns out, bitch just needed to clear her throat before launching into her snowmageddon aria. On average, I think three feet is our snow mark, but in some places, our drifts were up to six feet. Between the moisture density of the snow and our 60 mph gusts, Monday morning saw our snow heavy as fuck and mostly frozen. Even with the tractor all we could do in EIGHT hours of work was clear a single car width lane on our quarter-mile drive. That said, there is a solid 20″ layer of…