I’m This Many Years Old
So, Saturday was a wash (pun intended) from the time I overslept to the discovery of the grotesque death of the washing machine. It’s one adventure after another here on the farm.
I finally broke down and purchased a new MacBook after my notebook crashed one more time, but I swear I’m more excited and beaming about the installation of our ten-year-old washer and dryer. Yes, the washer leaks, which is why we didn’t leave them at the old house.
But goddamn, the joy I feel every time I walk into the house and see them. The satisfaction of a quiet wash cycle versus the cachunka cachunka pounding of the previous machine is mind boggling. And I FUCKING HATE laundry!
Sure, I still have a budget for a new washer and dryer. Yep, I’d prefer them to stack to more efficiently use the space if I have to have a hallway laundry room. But that doesn’t stop me from hugging them every so often.
This is where my life is at the moment. Meh.