Not for the Squeamish
So, I didn’t take pictures of this morning’s crowd. But picture this mosh pit in the yoga space. And on the roof. And on the porch. And the deck. And the vehicles. FYI: the stove was FULL of them. You know that feeling that something is crawling on you? Yeah, that. But occasionally today, something WAS!
I’m This Many Years Old
So, Saturday was a wash (pun intended) from the time I overslept to the discovery of the grotesque death of the washing machine. It’s one adventure after another here on the farm. I finally broke down and purchased a new MacBook after my notebook crashed one more time, but I swear I’m more excited and beaming about the installation of our ten-year-old washer and dryer. Yes, the washer leaks, which is why we didn’t leave them at the old house. But goddamn, the joy I feel every time I walk into the house and see them. The satisfaction of a quiet wash cycle versus the cachunka cachunka pounding of the…
what a way to start the day
Originally posted 08-04-2021 Good morning, wonderful people and welcome to August! Remember when the old folks would say, “Gosh, time just flies by!” Well, color me old. It might be the absence of offspring to round up. Maybe it’s the strange limbo of the pandemic. It’s fucking August. Here on the farm, we’ve had a couple of cool days with a little drizzle. It makes for lovely, wine-sipping evenings on the front porch. A friend of mine said she was glad July was over because August is so much cooler. I seem to remember being pretty miserable in 104F weather six months pregnant, but maybe I’m imagining that. Is…
What do you do all day on the farm? Well . . .
Last Sunday, we seeded the entire west side of the house. Started at 9 a.m. and didn’t call it quits until 7 p.m. Spent a little time Monday morning finishing off the last little bits and figuring out a watering system. No sprinkler system on the farm. Thanks to Danielle R for a smoking deal on the straw bales, and guess who may be getting some goats next year?! No, no goat parkour, but if y’all want to come pet or milk, all are welcome! I think the learning curve on that new adventure will be steep. Also, I love goat cheese. Yes, The Beard and I have dressed alike. Keeping…
Bird Control Is Someone Else’s Job
So, new farm adventure. The birds are coming down the chimney. Last week, it was a raven. Not a small bird, it must have worked hard to get into the flue. Once the dotter noticed Idra hovering around the stove, she made the mistake of opening the door. Taking its shot, the raven made a sweeping tour of the house before the dotter, and the Beard managed to herd it out of the house. Yesterday, I thought I caught movement in the stove but when I opened the door to check . . . nothing. While I was in town running errands, Idra the Hellbitch sat watching the stove door…