The Weather Be Mood Swinging Worse Than I Am

Crisp mornings. Blazing afternoons. Crackling leaves. I’m feeling ya October.
It’s not quite the time to blow off the weeding, but the freeze will be here soon. AND THEN we’ll have another heatwave OR a blizzard. Hard to tell these days. I have changed from summer bedclothes to winter bedclothes sans an extra blanket or two.
The changes of the season isn’t the only thing happening.
Next month the changes to my Patreon tiers become official. It all boils down to less than a dollar per class, no matter which level you decide fits. Even if you only do one class per week, you’re paying less than a $5.00 drop-in. Also, Patreon is now allowing you to pay for your subscription annually. If you choose that option, you receive a 10% discount. If you are subscribing now, that means you’ll save almost the total amount of the price increase. BAM.
There are signing bonuses, added discounts to the upper tiers, and early registration for top-tier subscribers. Think next year’s September yoga retreat . . .
Check out the main page to read the details for each tier.
That said, in addition to Foam Roller Workshops, I’ll be adding a Yin Yoga Workshop to the menu. (I’ll be telling you all about what Yin is in the next blog post.)
Don’t forget my referral program. If three people subscribe for three months and drop your name, you earn a free t-shirt!
November 1st, the new tiers go into effect, and all of the old tiers disappear. I’ll receive notice if you remain ‘untiered’ and will send you a reminder. Thank you for your patience while I work out the kinks and figure out how to organize this adventure we’ve been on together. I hope you’ll find a subscription that fits and look forward to the spring when we may be celebrating the new yoga studio here on the farm!